Your Trail experience between Umbria and Tuscany

Valtiberina traiL

“The architectural art of the ancients is truly a second nature, working in accordance with civil uses and purposes. This is how the amphitheater, the temple, the aqueduct stands..”

– Johann Wolfgang von Goethe


between umbria and tuscany

A single great journey or rather a network of paths that binds and holds together history, art and nature.

your trail experience in italy

The VALTIBERINA TRAIL (VTT) is a great journey that involves the entire Upper Tiber Valley, both Umbrian and Tuscan.

A particular journey, of over 220 km, in which there is no starting point and arrival, but which can be organized according to more or less long rings, thus meeting the needs of each walker, who thus becomes the true architect of his own journey.

2 Regions, 11 Municipalities and over 200 km of track only partially express the desire that bring us to carry on this project. The fervor of something you are creating has taken over and the Valtiberina Trail is growing and developing step by step. Help us to run!